Research has played a critical role in the development of Immerse’s platform, curriculum, and teaching approach. We ensure that the Product and Education decisions we make are research-backed, and we continuously test the effectiveness of our educational offerings through third-party, unbiased, external research studies. 

We achieve this primarily through partnering with expert researchers from universities around the world who independently conduct studies measuring how Immerse impacts language learning. Since 2019, we have partnered with 35+ researchers specializing in the science of VR for language learning. 

Independent Research on Immerse

Immerse’s university partners carry out research studies aimed at understanding the extent to which VR can improve various aspects of the language learning process. 

These studies have helped us answer a wide range of research questions such as:

  • How much can VR improve students’ speaking and fluency skills? 
  • Does VR help students learn vocabulary faster and better retain new information? 
  • Which features of Immerse’s AI-powered avatars increase learning the most?

The answers to these types of questions help us understand how to maximize the effectiveness of Immerse so learners reach fluency faster. 

Major Findings From Research on Immerse

Five years of research by our university partners show Immerse improves both the results and the experience of learning a language.

Improved Learning Results

Immerse Significantly Improves Speaking Skills

Speaking Skills Improvement in Immerse

A number of studies have measured the effect of Immerse on fluency. The findings are consistent: learners significantly improve their speaking fluency as a result of using Immerse, and they do so faster than with traditional classroom learning. 

Here are some of the specific results of studies showing the impact of Immerse on learners’ fluency: 

Immerse Also Significantly Improves Comprehension Skills

Language learners must also be able to understand what they are hearing and reading. One study examined Immerse’s impact on learners’ listening and reading comprehension:

Listening Skills Increase in Immerse
  • Learners’s comprehension skills improved significantly. After lessons in Immerse, participants’ scores on standardized tests of listening and reading improved significantly. In fact, their listening comprehension improved by 21% after just 3 hours in Immerse (Aoyama Gakuin University).

Immerse Helps Students Learn and Remember New Vocabulary Quickly 

Vocabulary knowledge is essential for successful communication. 

Our partners have hypothesized that Immerse is an ideal environment for learning vocabulary since learners interact with the scenes and objects as they learn new words. Their research findings support this argument. 

Better Vocabulary Acquisition in Immerse

Immerse Trains Learners to Collaborate in English

Natural Development of Collaboration Skills in Immerse

Improved Learning Experience 

How Immerse Benefits Emotional Aspects of Language Learning

Successful language learning hinges on more than just intellectual and cognitive effort. Emotional and psychological factors can also make or break a learner’s success. 

Immerse alleviates foreign language anxiety 

Research on language learning has consistently shown that foreign language anxiety is a major hindrance to language learning success. Anxious learners avoid speaking because they are afraid of making mistakes, yet without speaking practice they cannot develop fluency.

Thankfully though, our research partners have shown that Immerse can significantly lower the amount of foreign language anxiety that learners experience. In Immerse, users are represented by avatars which add a layer of anonymity to the learning experience and ultimately reduce anxiety. 

Decreased Foreign Language Anxiety in Immerse

Immerse boosts engagement and motivation to learn 

Engagement and motivation are key factors in the success of language learners. Learners who become bored, discouraged, or frustrated will not invest the hundreds of hours necessary to reach fluency.

Immerse reduces this problem by providing active, rewarding learning experiences that increase learners’ proficiency after every learning experience.

High Learning Engagement in Immerse

One of the key affordances of Immerse is the degree of immersion that language learners experience while in the platform. Indeed, high immersion leads to an increased sense of presence, or the feeling that one is actually inside a VR environment. In their research, our partners found that this sense of realism and embodiment improved learners’ focus on learning and using the language. Specifically:  

Better Focus in Immerse

Immerse Research Partnerships

As explained in How Our Research Partners Inform Product Development at Immerse, over the years Immerse has built a network of university research partners who are all passionate about understanding the how and why behind VR for language learning. These partners have been involved at all stages of Immerse’s development – from the very beginning when our CEO Quinn Taber founded Immerse and our partners were helping him better understand the learning science behind VR language learning, until now when they are conducting efficacy studies explicitly measuring the extent to which Immerse’s English, Spanish, and French programs improve learning outcomes. 

The way these partnerships work is simple. Depending on our current research needs, we will connect with relevant researchers in the field. For example, if we are interested in learning more about how our AI role plays impact learning, we will reach out and discuss research possibilities with a researcher who is an expert in AI and who is interested in partnering with us. Once we find a research question that is of mutual interest to both parties, we give the researcher and their participants access to Immerse for the duration of their study. The researcher then works independently to conduct their research study and keeps Immerse up to date on relevant findings as they emerge. They also disseminate their findings via conferences and peer-reviewed publications, which helps to further establish Immerse as a leader in the VR language learning space. 

These partnerships are mutually beneficial. Immerse benefits from having some of the most brilliant minds in the field giving us insights into what we are already doing well and what we could tweak to create an even more effective learning experience. In exchange, researchers gain free access to our extensive VR language platform where they can delve deeply into their research questions about the impact of virtual reality on language learning outcomes.

And since research partners work on their projects independently, we are able to have multiple studies underway simultaneously and gather a lot of research insights quickly. 

Our partners have conducted a wealth of research on a variety of topics that can be broadly classified into three main stages: (1) how various affordances, or features of Immerse benefit learning; (2) how learning in Immerse is beneficial for affective factors (e.g., anxiety, confidence); and (3) how Immerse improves language skills  (e.g., speaking, vocabulary retention, etc). 

Wide Scope of Independent Research on Immerse


Extensive research by Immerse’s university partners has repeatedly demonstrated the unusual effectiveness of our platform in bringing language learners to fluency through effective, engaging language learning experiences. In addition, these research partnerships allow us to continually validate our new features and provide us with empirical evidence that Immerse helps learners acquire languages faster and more effectively than traditional learning methods.

A banner that says Immerse Start your free 14-day trial today and shows a thumbs up in front of a shelf filled with books, flags, a globe, and a Quest 3 VR headset. Immerse leverages the power of AI and virtual reality to offer unparalleled, scalable and cost-effective immersive language learning experiences for learners across the globe.

To read more about the role our Research Partners play in Immerse: