University of Arkansas Enhances Language Learning with IMMERSE AI-Powered Training

Client Background

The University of Arkansas sought to enhance the conversational fluency of its Spanish and French language students. A primary challenge was providing students with sufficient personalized speaking and pronunciation practice. Their goal was to implement an AI-powered platform capable of delivering individualized feedback and fostering immersive learning experiences.

A student walking by a university building on a sunny day..
The University of Arkansas in Fayetteville

The Challenge

Traditional language classrooms often lack the capacity to provide students with personalized speaking practice. Instructors are constrained by class sizes and time, while students frequently experience anxiety when speaking with peers. Additionally, finding opportunities for independent, structured practice outside of class can be difficult. These barriers hinder students’ confidence and progress in mastering real-world communication skills.

The Solution

IMMERSE’s AI-powered platform provided University of Arkansas students with unlimited access to guided conversation practice tailored to their proficiency level. Through practical communication tasks, such as role-playing real-world conversation scenarios, students received real-time corrective feedback on grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary use.

Five smiling adults in front of a large flatscreen displaying the words The virtual world for language learning.
University of Arkansas partnered with IMMERSE to help their French and Spanish learners gain stronger speaking skills

Key features of IMMERSE’s AI platform:

  • Personalized Tasks: Students practiced communication tasks aligned with classroom topics by engaging in guided conversations with AI-powered avatars.
  • Immediate Feedback: The AI avatars corrected pronunciation and grammar in real time, helping students adjust and improve on the spot.
  • Performance Tracking: Post-conversation scores on grammar, relevance, and vocabulary breadth provided insights into progress over time.
  • Flexibility: The platform’s 24/7 availability allowed students to fit practice into their schedules conveniently.
A popup with a Conversation score of two stars, based on 40% for unique words, 16% for grammar, and 50% for relevance.
Personalized scores help learners understand what to work on and see how they’re improving

Results and Impact

A four-week pilot with 113 students demonstrated impressive outcomes:

  • Increased Confidence: Students reported feeling less anxious practicing with AI avatars compared to peers.
    • “I felt more comfortable speaking because I didn’t feel judged.”
  • Enhanced Speaking Skills: The vocabulary flashcards and pronunciation exercises significantly improved their ability to communicate fluently.
    • “Practicing pronunciation with the AI helped me understand Spanish sounds better.”
  • Engagement and Flexibility: Students appreciated the platform's accessibility.
    • “Being able to practice anytime was very helpful.”

Language professors noted transformative effects:

  • Dr. Sung Hye Yang (Spanish): “IMMERSE has successfully addressed the challenge, enhancing student outcomes by improving pronunciation and fostering communication skills. The vocabulary and pronunciation practice reinforced foundational skills and introduced practical expressions, while the platform’s low-anxiety environment and flexibility allowed students to practice speaking without fear.”
  • Dr. Maria Teodora Comsa (French): “The most difficult component of learning a foreign language is speaking. IMMERSE AI guided conversations allow language learners to listen and repeat what they hear multiple times and to practice responding until they can do so at normal speed, without simultaneously translating. That ability is uniquely transformative for learners’ confidence and motivation. The IMMERSE platform is an excellent tool for practicing speaking beyond the classroom, as it emphasizes pronunciation and conversation in a self-paced, low-anxiety environment.”

Due to the pilot's success, the university will integrate IMMERSE into Spanish and French programs for the Spring Semester and expand its use to other languages in the future.

A VR avatar next to a dialogue in Spanish, which includes correction of the word "son" instead of "está."d
IMMERSE AI conversation partners provide practice and corrective feedback

Lessons Learned and Takeaways

The pilot confirmed that IMMERSE is a scalable, impactful solution for bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world communication. Its AI-powered conversations foster speaking confidence and offer personalized feedback at an unmatched scale.

Help your language learners improve their speaking skills with IMMERSE

Looking to enhance your university’s language programs with supplemental immersive training? IMMERSE’s flexible partnership program provides students with access to an interactive Learning Path, including unlimited AI-powered language practice.

Connect with our Growth team today to learn more!

A banner that says Immerse Start your free 14-day trial today and shows a thumbs up in front of a shelf filled with books, flags, a globe, and a Quest 3 VR headset. Immerse leverages the power of AI and virtual reality to offer unparalleled, scalable and cost-effective immersive language learning experiences for learners across the globe.