See why thousands are switching to Immerse

I can't say enough how much Immerse has helped me in my work and personal life!

Learning with Immerse has been incredible so far. I absolutely love the concept of teaching in VR, especially when it comes to languages. This app is a Godsend!

If you’re looking for a community to support you while you learn a new language this is absolutely it. The different settings you can visit while you learn are amazing, and really help the language settle into your brain. It’s the best language learning app I’ve ever encountered- because it’s not just an app - it’s a community too. I love immerse!!

I am so excited to see a quality language learning tool come to the VR space. This is more than an just an app, in that it provides first hand language learning in the virtual space. I highly recommend this for those who are looking for a fun way to interact with their target language.

¡Viva Immerse! Immerse is tried and true an incredible VR app! Before joining I had Spanish basics under my belt but couldn't hold a conversation. Just over a month after joining Immerse, I'm now able to have fluid conversations with native Spanish speakers, including my Cuban fiancee's abuela and her primos who do not speak much English or any at all. The unlimited program is well worth it for those who have the time.

The creators of the Immerse platform and the language Guides are there to support you. Great platform! Great atmosphere! Great company! Thank you!

I have so much fun learning in Immerse and it seems to bring down my social anxiety. I'm more receptive to learning, making mistakes, and receiving feedback in VR!

If you haven't experienced learning in Immerse - I suggest you do. You will love it.

Before I found Immerse, I was paying $200/month for immersion-based language classes over Zoom, and I was happy to do so. Immerse gives me everything that class gave, plus more, and at a fraction of the cost.

With language learning apps like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone etc, you are just learning the language itself. But with Immerse, you are learning the language and you are learning how to INTERACT in realtime using the language...simply the best and most productive time I ever spent on VR.

A safe space to practice language output. Immerse is incredible at giving you semi structured scenarios to practice your language output. The VR gives you a feeling you can’t get over a zoom class. The lesson plans are thoughtfully created and the teachers go over corrections as the end.
All the immersive experiences you need to build fluency skills
Trainer-led immersion classes
Global Community Meetups